As we approach Christmas, it seems like people get more nasty in the Eve universe. You can't borrow someone's ship without collateral. No one likes to help scout for your tranny and intel becomes as accurate as a blind archer in a competition. As I continue my parts assembly for a Carrier to sell, I am reminded how small I really am in Eve. Pandemic Legion and Test decided to "offline" all of CVA's jumpbridges with 6, I repeat, 6 supercarriers. I did what everyone else did, watched. It appears that the fun times haven't started yet. Even cloaked macharials are finding their way into our sov space without too much anybody can do about it. On a good note, I have been gutting a Bistot grav site for about 24 hours so it's hardly been a cramp on my style lately. No mistletoe in space please.
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